Aberdeen, Scotland | March 27-29, 2025

Explore the latest in world wide family therapy.

Registration is now open for 2025 Congress.

Register today

The International Family Therapy Association Congress is a scientific event focuses on interactional methodologies for working with families and how those changes impact the families with which therapists work. The 2025 Congress, like all IFTA Congresses, will also feature many approaches to a variety of problems and ways of coping with them. The congress aims to help heal hurting couples and families in various cultures.

2025 Congress Program

Important notice!!!

Travelers to Scotland (or anywhere in the UK) will need an electronic travel authorisation (ETA). Here is more information on who is required to have this. You need to do this before you arrive in the UK. Here are details: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/apply-for-an-electronic-travel-authorisation-eta#who-does-not-need-aneta.
They say that it is easier to download and use their app. You will find links to download the app in the above link.
If you do not want to use the app, you can do it from your computer. We tested it and here are some things we learned.

  1. You need a scan or very good photo of your passport. It needs to be an image (like a .jpg) and not a PDF.
  2. You need a photo of yourself. It needs to include your shoulders and chest. We suggest you remove glasses if you wear them (that is the only way it worked for us).
  3. There is a small fee, so you need a way to pay online (example: a credit card).
  4. Use this link that saves you going through a number of pages trying to get to use the app:
  5. https://apply-for-an-eta.homeoffice.gov.uk/apply/electronic-travel-authorisation/how-to-apply

Here is additional information from the Visit Scotland website:

Key dates

Proposals are closed. We plan to post the final detailed schedule by February 27th.

See the Schedule arrow_forward

3 Tour Days

Explore Scotland through the pre-congress tours.

Available Tours arrow_forward

Student Discount

Students must send proof of student status to info@ifta-congress.org to receive a code to register as a student.

Submit Your ID arrow_forward

3 Special Tracks

Founders, and
an Educator Track

Systemic Supervision Track Information arrow_forward

The International Family Therapy Association was an outgrowth of the East-West Bridging Congress conducted in Prague in 1987. Since that time, IFTA’s goal has been the same: Advancing family therapy worldwide by promoting research, education, and sound practice while promoting international cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and ideas that support the health and well-being of families and persons around the world.