Call For Proposals

Open July 1, 2023

Participants interested in making presentations or poster displays are invited to submit an abstract. Proposals must be submitted via the congress website, between July 1, 2023 and October 31, 2023.

Click here for the General Submissions form. Read the General Guidelines.

December 11, 2023: We are currently reviewing proposals from new presenters for poster presentations and 20 minute sessions at this time. Submit your proposal.

The official language of the meeting is English. Presentaions may be in English, Chinese, Japanese or Korean.

Proposals must include the title and short description in English. The long description may be in English, Japanese, Korean, or Chinese. If in Japanese, Korean, or Chinese also please give a short description in that same language.

Limit to Number of Acceptances
If more than two proposals are submitted by a main presenter, the selection process will limit acceptances to one presentation that best fit the Congress theme or help to round out the Congress program.