XX World Family Therapy Congress
Couples Therapy: Advancing the Profession
The 20th World Family Therapy Congress will be held March 21 - March 24, 2012 in Vancouver. We invite you to join colleagues from around the world at the Sheraton Wall Centre, Vancouver, Canada.
The 2012 Congress has as its theme, Couples Therapy: Advancing the Profession. The Congress will focus on the latest treatment techniques in couples therapy as well as presenting approaches to a variety of problems and ways of coping with them. The congress aims to help heal hurting couples and families in various cultures.
25 Year Anniversary of IFTA
The International Family Therapy Association was an outgrowth of the East-West Bridging Congress conducted in Budapest in 1987. Since that time, IFTA's goal has been the same: Advancing family therapy worldwide by promoting research, education, and sound practice while promoting international cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and ideas that support the health and well-being of families and persons around the world.
Submit a Proposal
Call for proposals is now open. Click Here.
Pre-Congress Workshop
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International Editors Group Meeting
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Vancouver is a city with a rich heritage of family therapy and is a wonderful setting from bringing together hundreds of presenters from scores of countries to share and learn about both familiar and new problems and ways of dealing with them. Besides the professional opportunities, Vancouver, the site of the 2010 Winter Olympics, offers many site seeing, cultural and historical activities.